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The New Normal

In an attempt to contain COVID-19 a number of on-site protocols have been adopted, including temperature taking, facemasks, distancing, sanitation and frequent handwashing. Regular break times and alternating shifts are also part of the effort as is everyday common sense.

The good news is that all these efforts seem to be working. COVID has slowed in New York City, as well as other areas of the state and the country.The protocols we’ve been working under, or some more practical versions, will most likely remain with us. This is the “new normal” being talked about and until we adjust to it, it is going to have a costly effect on our industry.

Unfortunately, because of the restrictions, managers cannot get together to discuss how this will evolve. But we can use teleconferencing, and while that can’t take the place of an in-person meeting, we still can talk about what is working for us, what isn’t, and explore how we can use it all to our advantage.

Everything evolves. As ideas emerge programs develop. New ideas will grow, if we are flexible and willing to change. And although this crisis is costing us great amounts of money, the result can be changes that will bring new and more profits.

Since the crisis began our association has been using virtual conferencing for board meetings and webinars to keep our members informed, So far, we’ve held four virtual webinars for members and we’re planning more. We’re not alone in using virtual communication. On September 14—17 AWCI will present its annual Industry Leaders Conference VIRTUALLY. You won’t want to miss it. As always, there will be a lot of valuable material. Check the AWCI website for details.

Above all, job safety still holds top priority. You should be aware that the 7th annual National Safety Stand-Down to Prevent Falls in Construction is scheduled for September 14-18, and the NYC DOB Build Safe/Live Safe Conference has been rescheduled to Friday, September 25. I urge everyone to participate in these important activities.

Please protect yourselves, your loved ones and your employees.


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