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Policies Gone Wild

WELL, THE GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN IS OVER. The debt ceiling has been renegotiated and is due to expire yet again in February, 2014 and the affordable health care act is now “available” to the general public. It looks like we are back to living the dream as a union contractor.

As supported by the recent failure of the affordable health care roll-out, implementing new policies and procedures to the common folk appears great in theory. However, the successful implementation of these new policies is a whole other story. Does the new Shop Steward time-recording policy come to mind? After numerous meetings and some success, we continue to work with the New York City District Council of Carpenters to improve and streamline this reporting process. Recognizing there is still work to be done. I’m sure you are all aware of the recent mailing by the NYCDCC regarding the implementation of dues check off and political action committee (PAC) provisions. The burden of this new policy falls on the contractor as per our Collective Bargaining Agreement. As always, the devil is in the details and we are currently working with the NYCDCC to address implementation with minimal impact and disruption to our members.

I would like to congratulate the following recipients for the Thomas Nastasi Scholarship: Lindsay Marie Pacheco, Brittany Francis Sirico, James White, Marianna Concetta Mangione and Natalie Loffreno. Good luck this upcoming semester.

I am pleased to announce that Brian Gordon, WCC board member and owner of Par Wall was nominated and unanimously approved by the AWCI board of directors as future AWCI president in 2018. My congratulations to Brian and Kathy for accepting the challenge and responsibility that comes with the position.

Best wishes for a great New Year.

— Mike Weber


30 Jericho Executive Plaza, Suite 700C

Jericho, NY  11753-1022


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